Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas logo


Expectativas de Regulación y Supervisión Bancaria en las Américas 2019


In recent years, the financial authorities of the Americas have faced significant changes in the business models of the financial institutions under their responsibility as well as in the manner in which they regulate and supervise them. In addition, the attention of these authorities is in a highly dynamic stage due to the variety and complexity of the issues that must be addressed.

As a result, since 2016, ASBA decided to conduct the Survey of Banking Regulation and Supervision Expectation in the Americas from among its Associate Members. The purpose of the survey is to ascertain the expectations of regulators and supervisors in the region regarding the impact of the global and regional situation on the financial system. This information has enabled ASBA to adjust its technical discussion and training services to topics of interest and relevance to the area of financial stability. (Text in Spanish)

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