Country authorities have implemented wide-ranging extraordinary monetary, fiscal, and financial regulatory measures to help contain the financial implications of physical distancing restrictions on households, corporates, and financial firms. As the pandemic’s impact on societies, economies, and market players is becoming clearer, authorities are urged to consider replacing blanket measures with more targeted and timebound ones.
This note offers some guidance and broad principles for managing the exit from regulatory and supervisory measures already taken, including borrower support, bank capital, and liquidity measures. It suggests ways to prioritize supervisory tasks during the exit process. The note also describes the trade-offs entailed by unwinding decisions and steps that authorities should take when the exit appears challenging and banks’ asset quality is likely to deteriorate sharply, including situations that might evolve into systemwide banking sector stress. It advocates for quantitative analysis, including stress testing, to assess potential debtor and banking system vulnerabilities. Such analysis can also inform the preparation of contingency planning for bank resolution, including at the system level, as part of holistic unwinding strategies.
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