1. Definition
Short term, usually up to three months, education and training program into specific areas, provided by a recognized institution with sufficient skills in the arena into which the training will be provided.
The goal is to ease technical development of personnel and officers belonging to banking supervision entities, via a specialized type of training and with a targeted timespan and purpose.
2. Objectives
To provide technical cooperation after analyzing specific assistance needs that shall be identified in advance, attending specific needs of supervisory agencies.
3. Characteristics of our services
Secondments have the following characteristics:
- Will be provided on a time limited basis (up to 3 months [calendar])
- Based upon a specific topic (e.g. credit portfolios assessment)
- Provided as required and on a voluntary basis. No fees or other charges apply.
Also, and depending on the agreement signed between training providers and the beneficiaries of it, usually the associate member that receives the service shall be liable for providing transportation costs, lodging and travel expenses of their trainees.
Since ASBA is acting as a facilitator, a report containing information about the benefits (accrued and potential) will be submitted to the General Secretariat, pointing out, among other things, the impact on current regulatory frameworks and/or on supervisory practices.
The entities providers of training shall allow, to their fullest possible extent, the incorporation of all trainees into their technical and specialized areas and works, thus allowing attendees to maximize, on an integral basis, the training provided.
4. Application procedure
Access to this service is done via the General Secretariat, who will receive requirements for support, as well as personnel details of the proposed trainees. In order to do so, interested parties shall request the following formularies that are available in our website:
Based on the above information, the Association will establish the necessary initial contacts and will in turn make all the necessary efforts to provide the service, verifying full compliance of all conditions agreed and, once the training has been finished, to receive a report regarding the activities undertaken, as explained hereinbefore.
For further information, please contact ASBA at: +52 55 5662 0085 or at asba@asbasupervision.org